If you have anything that is time sensitive, such as a schedule change that will occur in the next 48 hours, please CALL Joe on his cell, if his cell goes right to his voicemail, that is because his phone is off because he is at a match. Leave a detailed message.
For an alternate number, call, text, or email Amber if you are unable to get a hold of Joe and have an emergency.
The most common emergency we have is that you have a home match and do not have officials for that match. Please be sure to confirm your matches before the match date to avoid this.
Assignments and match schedules are posted on the RefTown website. Varsity coaches, please forward these to your MS & JHS coaches.
Tina Adams
Valda Allen
Jaymeyla Barclay
Ro Biven
Shantell Bogues
Mark Branch
Kelly Caldwell
Glenn Clemons
Tamala Cockrell
Maurice Cole
Dalmida Cooper
Claude County
Ene Couvertier
Wayne Cummings
Troy Curits
Kecia Davis
Dennis DeLeon
Jill Douglas
James Dukes
Lakia Ellis
Jocann Farley
Fred Fischer
Brenda Fisher
Nate Foreman
Starr Fuller
Shanice Gilbert
Ralph Gore
Tracey Brown Greene
Wil Hamilton
Quinntreal Johnson
Ericka Jones
Darrell Kahanek
Janis Kahanek
Suzanne Kariuki
Thomas Larry
Wanetia Lopez
Jessica Lucero
Ryan McArthur
Paul McCoy
Elijah McDaniel
Gilbert Mokry
Page Morris
David Nurse
Francine Nurse
Jeaniel Pati
Jhonoven Pati
Taafua Pati
Sherwin Pearson
Afa Puni
Jose Reyes
Dedra Rohan
Ted Rohan
Alfonso Ross Jr
Jesse San Miguel